
Common Dental Problems
Dental Care

3 Common Dental Problems

The health of your teeth, gums, and entire oral-facial system is extremely important. This is because they all work together to eat, speak, drink, and ...
Why Do You Need Dental X-rays
Dental FAQ

Why Do You Need Dental X-rays?

When visiting the dentist, you’ll more than likely be asked to step into a private room for an X-ray of your mouth. However, why do ...
Why is it Important to See Your Dentist Every 6 Months
Dental Care

Why is it Important to See Your Dentist Every 6 Months?

Your teeth are designed to last a lifetime. However, in order to do that, they need proper care and hygiene. One of the most crucial ...
How Does Fluoride Help Your Teeth
Dental FAQ

How Does Fluoride Help Your Teeth?

When it comes to dental hygiene, fluoride is a crucial component. For that reason, it is part of most toothpastes, mouthwashes, flosses, and even some ...
what is plaque and why is it bad
Dental Care

What is Plaque and Why is it Bad?

Everyone has dental plaque. While it occurs normally, it can be harmful to your mouth if we don’t treat it. In addition, untreated plaque develops ...

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