How Can Dentists Save a Damaged Tooth?

Can Dentists Save a Damaged Tooth

As dentists, we work our whole careers towards treating all the problems of the teeth and mouth. We spend years learning and practicing. That’s because our ultimate goal is to give you not only better-looking teeth but healthy and functional teeth as well. So, how can dentists save a damaged tooth? What procedures go into saving teeth? Can all teeth be saved?

Let’s explore the tooth-rescue process. The first step is to learn …

… What Damages Teeth?

  • Decay: The number one reason for tooth damage is, of course, decay. Decay is a dynamic process where bacteria in the mouth feed on food remnants producing acids that dissolve the teeth.
  • Periodontal Disease: Also known as gum disease. While gum disease is usually – as the name suggests – confined to the gums, the gums are the protective layer around the teeth. For that reason, when they get damaged, they leave the teeth more vulnerable to decay and infections.
  • Trauma: Accidents happen, unfortunately. Teeth are often one of the most affected parts of the body since they are quite fragile.

How Can Dentists Save a Damaged Tooth?

The treatment chosen by the dentist depends on both the cause of the problem and the extent of the damage. These procedures include:

1. Fillings

The simplest form of treatment done daily by all dentists around the world. While there are many types of fillings, the current standard is the tooth-colored fillings which look better and are quite strong.

2. Root Canal Treatment

If the damage is extensive, or the decay was left untreated for a while, the nerve of the tooth will likely be damaged. This is when you’d usually start feeling severe pain. In that case, a simple filling is not enough, and root canal treatment may be needed.

3. Dental Crowns

Crowns are complex structures that are placed to cover the entire surface of the tooth. These are needed to protect fragile teeth which have been extensively damaged by decay or trauma.

4. Inlays & Onlays

Traditional fillings are sometimes not enough to compensate for all the tooth structures removed due to decay or trauma. Inlays and onlays are made of porcelain or gold rather than simple composite, and so are stronger and can replace larger parts of the tooth.

Can All Teeth Be Saved?

Modern dentistry is all about conservation. Your dentist will do all they can to make sure your tooth is saved and remains inside the mouth for a long time. The concept is that no form of tooth replacement is as good as natural teeth in terms of looks and feel.

However, in some cases, the damage is far too extensive – and the teeth are too far gone to be saved. In these cases, it is better to think of a long-term plan to extract the tooth and replace it with any form of tooth replacement option (these are dentures, bridges, or dental implants).

This was just a simplification of how can dentists save a damaged tooth. Of course, the real story is far greater … and your options depend on your situation. We’re ready to help you regain your smile!

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