What Do Periodontists Do for Patients?

What Do Periodontists Do for Patients

Dentistry is a vast field, with multiple specialties and subspecialties. While general dentists technically can do everything – everything they were taught in dental school – specialists dedicate even more time, effort, and training towards perfecting a very specific branch of dentistry. This makes them the “go-to” guys for problems within that specialty. One of these numerous dental specialties is periodontal care, delivered by periodontists. So, what do periodontists do for patients? What exactly is their specific area of expertise?

The answer is: the gums. While it may seem a bit strange to have an entire specialty dedicated towards something as small as the gums, proper treatment really takes a lot more than you think. It’s not only “what do periodontists do for patients” – it’s why they do it. Let’s dig into that a bit.

Why Are Dental Specialties Important?

Dentists go through a tremendous amount of training throughout dental school. For that reason, once they graduate, they are more than qualified to perform procedures such as fillings and dental cleanings. However, there are certain delicate procedures (for example, gum surgery and dental implants) that need more training and very delicate and experienced hands. While general dentists have learned those procedures, they lack the deep training and experience provided by specialization programs.

What Do Periodontists Do for Patients?

As we explained before, periodontists deal mainly with problems of the gums. It is important to point out that “gums” do not only mean the pinkish flesh that surrounds the teeth, but an entire apparatus formed of soft tissue, ligaments, muscles, and bones, all geared towards keeping the tooth in place. Knowing that, here are some procedures that periodontists often do:

1. Deep Cleaning & Root Planing

Simple cleanings and removal of tartar can be done by any dentist or hygienist. However, if the problem goes beyond the gums, you need a specialist to reach those deep areas for thorough cleaning.

2. Gum Surgery

Receding gums are a common problem. To restore the shape and function of the gums, very delicate surgery is needed. That’s where periodontists come in.

3. Bone Reconstruction

As we explained, gums are not just the pink flesh, but bone as well. When you have deep pockets and receding gums, bone augmentation may be needed to restore the normal situation of the gums, again requiring the services of a periodontist.

4. Dental Implants

Implants are usually placed by surgeons. However, periodontists may have their say in the shaping of the gums during the procedure. This is especially true in the front of your mouth where appearance is key.

So, that’s what periodontists do for patients. If you find yourself in need of periodontal treatment, we’d love to help!

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