What is a Healthy Oral Environment?

What is a Healthy Oral Environment

The oral environment is a delicate one. It requires a very fragile balance between all the structures inside it, including the teeth, gums, bones, and muscles. This balance is kept when you take good care of your teeth and mouth and maintain an excellent level of oral hygiene. However, if this balance tilts, you may start losing some of these structures (mainly the teeth). In addition, the entire environment will suffer from disarray. So, what makes us say that a mouth is “healthy?” What is a healthy oral environment? Let’s explore the 5 major components that make up a healthy mouth.

What are the Main Structures Inside the Mouth?


The most important components of an oral cavity are the teeth. In adult life, these should be 32 in number (including wisdom teeth) and should be of sound shape and color. The teeth sit firmly in the jawbone by means of a group of fibers known as the periodontal ligament.


What makes teeth shine so brightly? Their contrast against the gums. Gums are the biggest organ inside the mouth. In addition, they’re responsible for not only the shape of the smile but also the protection of the bones and roots of the teeth.


While they’re not visible, the bones of the jaw give our faces their shape. They are also the anchors that hold the teeth as well as the muscles inside the mouth.


These are responsible for all the movements inside the mouth to produce speech, chew food, and even breathe properly.

What is a Healthy Oral Environment? 5 Major Components

All of these structures work in unison to produce all the major functions of the mouth, mainly chewing and speech. For that reason, a problem in any of them disrupts the balance of the oral environment. As a result, many problems such as speech defects and indigestion due to poor chewing start to appear. Here are the 5 major components of a healthy oral environment to strive for:

1. Healthy Teeth

Meaning white teeth, free from cavities, and with no pain.

2. Complete Teeth

The number of teeth is essential in keeping the balance. Any missing teeth should be replaced with dental implants as soon as possible.

3. Healthy Periodontal Ligament

Meaning the teeth sit firmly in place with no drifting or tilting, and no part of the roots are exposed.

4. Healthy Gums

Meaning they are pink in color, with no swellings or any other visible cuts or tears.

5.  Healthy Joints

Meaning they move around normally during opening and closing, with no strange noises or erratic movements.

Keeping a healthy oral environment may be as simple as keeping good brushing habits. Consult your dentist on the best ways to keep your mouth healthy and disease-free.

Ready to take care of your teeth? Click here to make your appointment with one of our experienced local dentists!

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