5 Ways to Tell You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

Ways to Tell You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

We are blessed with 2 sets of teeth throughout our lives, one during childhood and the other when we turn into adulthood. All the adult teeth usually appear in the mouth by the time we’re 13 or 14, except for the wisdom teeth which usually appear at around 18 years of age. It is common knowledge that wisdom teeth would need to be removed in most cases. However, in some cases, they present no problems and would stay idle in their place with no complications. So how would you know that your wisdom teeth need removal? Join us as we explore 5 ways to tell you need wisdom teeth removal.

Why are Wisdom Teeth Usually Buried In the Bone?

Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 18 and 25 years. By that time, the growth of the jaw had been completed. Therefore, when wisdom teeth try to find their way through the gums, they find no place to properly appear. That’s why they end up buried.

The degree of impaction differs between partial impaction to complete impaction and from soft tissue (or impaction in the gums) and complete impaction in the bone.

5 Ways to Tell You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

As we mentioned, in some cases even buried teeth present no problems and may need no treatment. However, if you feel any of the following, it is a sign that it is probably time to remove them.

1. Pain

This is a sure sign that there is a problem. Pain in the region of the wisdom tooth can mean many things, whether it is decay of the tooth or pain due to gum inflammation. This is a sign that the tooth will need removal soon.

2. Gum Inflammation

When the tooth is partially buried, the overlying gums usually form a sort of “tent” where bacteria and food remnants reside. For that reason, the gum can get inflamed rapidly. The definitive treatment is the removal of the tooth along with the excess gums.

3. Food Impaction

Food getting stuck in that area means the angle between the buried tooth and the one in front of it is awkward. For that reason, it is usually very difficult to clean.

4. Swelling

Swelling is a dangerous sign of infection. Of course, the infection would need to be treated first, but then the tooth should be removed since it is the main causative factor.

5. Lockjaw

This is one of the delayed signs of infection and is a dangerous indicator that the tooth – the source of the infection – needs to be removed immediately.

It is important to note that wisdom teeth can cause one or more of these problems more often than not. For that reason, you should visit your dentist around the age of 18 years old. We can check if your wisdom tooth is buried and schedule the surgery to avoid any of these problems.

Ready to take care of your teeth? Click here to make your appointment with one of our experienced local dentists!

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