4 Best Treatments for Sensitive Teeth

4 Best Treatments for Sensitive Teeth

How often do you drink a glass of cool water in the summer and feel like an electric current has just passed through your mouth? It’s a very painful and unpleasant sensation, and the worst part of it is the confusion. Pain from sensitivity is very difficult to localize, and you may find yourself wondering, “where exactly is the pain coming from?” However, what causes teeth sensitivity? And more importantly, how can you treat it and prevent it from happening? Join us as we explore the 4 best treatments for sensitive teeth.

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity?

Our teeth are composed of many layers. The outermost layer is called the enamel and is impervious and doesn’t feel pain. It is responsible for protecting the teeth from any stimuli. The layer below the enamel is called the dentine. It is the thickest layer of the tooth, but is unfortunately filled with nerve endings, and is therefore sensitive. When something happens to the enamel, the sensitive dentine is exposed to the oral environment. For that reason, hot or cold food or drink can stimulate the nerve endings and you end up feeling that familiar flash of pain.

4 Best Treatments for Sensitive Teeth

While prevention is better than cure – we’ll get to that in a bit – here are some ways to treat teeth sensitivity.

1. Fluoridated Toothpaste

A very simple yet effective solution. Fluoride is the main component of most oral care products that helps to strengthen and add to your tooth enamel. This protects your tooth dentine from anything inside the mouth.

2. Fluoridated Mouthwash

The same principle as toothpaste applies here, only in liquid form. Liquid can reach the difficult-to-reach areas between the teeth and beneath restorations, possibly making the protective effect even more pronounced.

3. Fluoride Varnish

Now we’ll move on to things your dentist can help you with. Fluoride varnish resembles nail polish and is placed by your dentist on the sensitive teeth’s surfaces. The concentration of fluoride in varnish is much more than you’ll find in household oral care products.

4. Teeth Restoration

If all else fails, a restoration may be placed to coat the dentine and protect it from any stimuli. The type of restoration would depend on how much of the enamel is lost. Options range from simple fillings to full crowns.

So, there you have it: the 4 best treatments for sensitive teeth. You should also know that prevention of teeth sensitivity is much easier and much more effective. All you need to do is keep brushing with a toothpaste that contains the right amount of fluoride as directed by your dentist … and you’ll give yourself a great head start on prevention.

Ready to take care of your teeth? Click here to make your appointment with one of our experienced local dentists!

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